Micro Website Package
It's For You If:
You are a new business just getting started.
You do not have branding colors or fonts yet and are short on time and money.
You want to have an internet home besides your social media accounts.
This is your first website and you want to start small.
You know who your audience is, you're clear on your mission and vision, and ready to connect with your customers on your own internet home
You have ideas on how to expand your business and website in the future but want to start your online presence now.
You know that consumers expect you to have a website and that your competitors most likely have a website.
You are aware of the importance of publicizing your location by using Google Maps integration.
You understand that consumers research and base their buying decisions on multiple Google searches, not while passively searching Facebook or Instagram.
When you look at my portfolio, you see how my style is unique and you want something unique to your small business too.
Step 1 - New Project Information FormTo start our journey, I ask that you complete the new project interview form. This form is important in making sure we are a good fit for one another. The new project form will not take a lot of time as it includes questions and topics that I am sure you have already thought about before you began your search for a website, branding, or graphic design services. The form also gives you the opportunity to list any questions you may have for me. I will let you know if I cannot meet all of your wants, goals, and needs. My goal of being authentic and transparent includes that we do not waste each other's time and resources. You can see more of my brand promise to evaluate if you think we will be a good match. You can also check out my portfolio so you can see some of my past design creations.
Step 2 - Website Strategy & Discovery MeetingAfter this brief initial phone consultation, and we have mutually agreed to move to the next phase, we will schedule an hour or so website strategy & discovery meeting to be done virtually or at a place convenient for you. I will send you the meeting form to fill out before our scheduled time as this meeting is very important. I will take the time to get to know you, your vision, and your goals by asking the right questions. Items discussed during this time include: Verification of your business objectives, competitors, and target market audience Prioritization of client project goals Examination of design and marketing considerations Determination of the project scope, content, website sections, and pages Discussion of the features/technologies to be used on your website Explanation of client responsibilities The decision of additional add-ons for the project Discussion of any other client considerations or concerns
Step 3 - Personalized Proposal and Statement of WorkBecause there are many variations and features to consider for website design and development, after the website discovery & strategy meeting, I will create a personalized client website proposal and price for you. The website proposal will include succinct objectives for the website project and review of the 3 phases with all deliverables used and created for website design and development. The proposal will also discuss the project management and communication process and information about ongoing support services offered. Finally, there is the personal estimated project duration and budget. Because of my attention to detail and streamlined process, this personalized proposal will be presented to you in a follow-up meeting. I believe in educating my clients and transparency in communication to relieve any concerns you may have from start to finish. If you agree with the proposal, I will create a personalized statement of work and email it to you for review and signature. The statement of work includes the website project and phases summary, each of the three project phase overview with rounds, revisions and deliverables explained along with the budget for that phase. The website design and development scope and a checklist for what is and is not included in this project are clearly defined. Project duration and budget are listed along with payment terms and the invoice schedule. Finally, there is the statement of work acceptance and signature page as well as legal terms and conditions.
Step 4 - Setup and TrainingOnce I have received the signed statement of work from you, I will then set you up in the accounting and project management software and apps used. This is when I provide training in project management software. The extent depends on your familiarity with Google Apps and Flowmapp.
Step 5 Phases 1-3 of Website Design & DevelopmentBy this step, you will understand each phase I use for website design and development and will know when each of the deliverables will be sent to you by communication through the project management apps used. Training for the Wix CMS platform is done at the end of step 5. I focus on customer service and flexibility, and I am available to you through email, video conferencing, chat, phone, and Google Apps project management system during this time.
Step 6 - Project Closure MeetingI want to ensure that you are fully satisfied. The project closure meeting is a great opportunity for me to get feedback on your website as well as the process I used for design and development. I am always striving to improve and your feedback means the world to me. I believe that successful projects are based on a collaborative effort between the designer and the client. I strive to provide a concierge level of service where my clients trust my process, leave the details to me, and have an experience that compels them to tell others about me.
Difference Between The Two Packages
Although the process is the same for both website packages, the full website package has more deliverables than the micro website. The full website package is for clients who already have brand elements such as logo, fonts, and colors. If you think that suits your needs better, check out the full website package by clicking the button below.
However, the micro website includes 20 different font pairings and 20 different color themes. You will choose a font pairing and color theme from my brand library that resonates with your business. There is information about each season's brand personality to allow you to choose the correct font pairing and color theme that most matches your company's brand values, emotions, and style.
If you already have colors and fonts, let's talk about why we are not looking at the full website package. Fill out the new project form and let's get started on creating the perfect online home for your business. I look forward to a long-lasting relationship with my clients.
Deliverables for Micro Website Design

The objective of this phase is to define the full scope of the small business website and create a branded logo as well as a site map to act as a road map for design and development.
DELIVERABLE 1 - site map with 1 revision
DELIVERABLE 2 - 1 typographic logo with 1 revision
Included in All Micro Website Packages
All the legal links (privacy policy, terms of use, disclaimer, copyright)
1 contact form
WCAG Accessibility
Google Analytics installation
Mobile responsive design
Connection of your domain
Quality assurance testing
Training in the project management system (Google Apps)
CMS training in Wix
Ask About Add-Ons for All Micro Website Packages
Custom-made social media follow buttons
Google map integration
30-day bug fix
Launch social media graphics to announce your new website
Custom designed icons
Social media integration
Blog setup and/or migration
Email campaign platform set up in Wix
Personalized domain email set up through Google Apps
Email newsletter design
Lead magnet, landing page, or eBook design
Infographic design
Mobile app
Gated content - member's area, forum, online courses
Social media templates
Calendar and/or booking integration
How I Can Help
I can assist you in creating a small business website that focuses on your business goals and metrics in mind.
Is it time to evaluate your online presence? Do you have questions first? Click on the reach out button and tell me your concerns and any questions. I will get back to you soon.
Not sure if a website is for you? Call me because I offer a FREE 1 hour phone consultation. We can evaluate and brainstorm about your current and future needs.
If you have a small business website already and aren't reaching customers as you want, I can help you redesign and develop your website to make it work for you. I offer two different website packages. If the micro website package isn't for you, check out the full website package and see if that fits your current needs. Just fill out the new project information form so we can get started.